Thomas' Tech Tips

Graphical ping in terminal using gping

22 September 2023 - Thomas Damgaard

gping is a nice tool that will visualize network latencies directly in the terminal.


$ gping

Looks like this on my network: (   last 3.5min 1.08 max 8.66 avg 1.97jtr 50µs p95 4.55 t/o 0
8.304ms│                                  ⢀
       │                                  ⢸                                        ⢀
7.082ms│                                  ⢸                                        ⢸
5.86ms │                                  ⢸⡆       ⢰      ⡄                        ⣼
       │                                  ⢸⡇       ⢸      ⡇                        ⣿
4.638ms│                                  ⡇⡇       ⢸  ⡆   ⣿                        ⡏⡆⢠
3.416ms│                                  ⡇⡇       ⡞⡄ ⣷  ⢸⢸              ⢀⡇  ⢰    ⢠⠃⡇⢸⡆
       │                                ⡆ ⡇⢣       ⡇⡇⢰⠹⡀⣇⢸⠸⡀             ⡸⢇ ⢀⢿    ⢸ ⡇⡎
2.194ms│⢆ ⡀⡀ ⣦⢇⢀    ⢠⠣⢲⢰⣀⠎⢆⠴⡜⢆⡀⢀⣠ ⣀ ⡠⢆⢶⢸⢱⢠⡇⢸  ⢠⡀⡀⡀⢀⡇⡇⢸ ⢷⠹⡸ ⣧⣀  ⢀ ⡀⡀⢠ ⢀⢀⢆ ⡇⢸⢠⠎ ⡇ ⢰⢆⡜ ⡇⡇
972µs  │⠈⠑⠉⠑⠚ ⠘⠎⠉⠊⠑⠢⠊  ⠃⠉    ⠈⠑⠊ ⠓⠉⠞ ⠈ ⠃⠈⠁ ⠘⠉⠒⠃⠈⠑⠉⠁ ⠓⠉ ⠈   ⠁⠈⠊⠒⠊⠉⠑⠉⠁⠉⠊⠊⠈⠙ ⠈⠁  ⠋⠙⠇ ⠁ ⠘
08:09:43                                   08:09:58                            08:10:13
Filed under: howto, linux, network, tips, tools

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